Sunday 13 April 2008

My Filofax

If you know me, I have probably told you about my Filofax and how it has changed my life. I have literally been transformed from a more-than-slightly scatterbrained idiot who can't remember an appointment or phone number to save her life into a cool, collected, organised professional who is on top of all her responsibilities in both her private life and her work life. The change has honestly been that profound. For years, I have flirted with various organisational tools, from PDAs to Outlook to cute little Paperchase spiral bound diaries, but none motivated me to develop a habit, and they all quickly fell out of use. On a whim just before Christmas, I bought myself a lovely little Filofax (model: Eden, personal size), and I was immediately hooked. I do not have a particularly hectic schedule by any stretch of the imagination, but I have found my life now has an order and coherence to it that I couldn't imagine six months ago. Thank you, Filofax!


Steve Morton said...

Great to see you making great use of Filofax, like you I've tried various electronic PDA's whilst they sort of work, you can't beat paper...


Kate said...

Thanks, Steve. I'm already eyeing up some of the more pricey leather models. No one ever warned me these could be addictive!

I've just joined the Yahoo filofax group - thanks for the head's up.
