Saturday 26 April 2008

Copenhagen: 23 - 25 April

This week I was in Copenhagen for a conference on the conservation of manuscripts. It was two very intense days of lecture after lecture, and I am intellectually exhausted! Unfortunately, I didn't have much time to actually see the city, but I managed to escape for a couple of hours on Thursday. I found myself in a lovely park, and just took off my jacket, and sat down to enjoy the sunshine. Copenhagen is a beautiful city, and I can't wait to go back!

Here are some photos I took in the park:

These two were taken in a lovely little courtyard in the old Medieval part of the University where we had our evening reception (in the old monk's cellar):

And this is the one and only photograph I took of the actual conference! It was interesting, really! This is a very nice way to store parchment documents with seals:

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