Tuesday 25 March 2008

Sky Parade and Dilettantes: 24 March

Last night, Magnus and I took the train to Glasgow to see a couple of bands, Sky Parade and the Dilettantes. We have been listening to alot of 60's-inspired 'neo-psychedlica' bands recently, and we came across Sky Parade while scoping out new bands on the internet. They were supported by the band fronted by a guy from our Favourite Band in the Whole Wide World, The Brian Jonestown Massacre. They were playing at a skeezy little place called the Barfly, and hardly anyone was there. It was awesome. Unfortunately, we had to leave about 20 minutes into Sky Parade's set to catch the last train back to Edinburgh, which was a shame. They were very cool.

This is the first band that played. It was only their third gig, but they did a great job. We can't remember their name, but I thought it's kind of a cool photo. I keep trying to get good gig photos without resorting to the flash, but I don't know how! So I gave up on the shaky unfocused shots, and used the flash for the rest.

The Dilettantes, fronted by Joel from BJM. They played really well, and their music is very cool, but I'm afraid Joel's vocals are a bit crap. The guy on the right sang a couple songs, which was a huge improvement.

More Dilettantes.

Sky Parade. Very very cool.

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